facial rejuvenation
At the moment there is an increase in the popularity of the plastic surgery, due to the improvement of the surgical techniques, which offer better results with shorter post-operative, to the best knowledge in the population, and as well to the negative impact in the personality produced by the lack of harmony in the face.
Also, the progressive lengthening of the life has caused advances ages under better physical and psychical conditions, therefore, the individual not only wants to feel well, but also seemed younger.
Time goes by and the facial wrinkles are being formed, helped for factors like stress tobacco, alcohol, sun in excess, etc., but, physiologically is due to a decrease of the thickness and elasticity of the skin, in addiction with the gravity effects which produce a soft tissue descent tarnishing the factions and face expressions.
Procedure: The facelift is the ideal surgical treatment to improve the signs as time goes by. It is very important the "surgeon aesthetic approach", to be able to grant freshness to face, always maintaining the natural features; that is to say, the patient is seen like in his previous years picture.
This surgery can be performed just in face or with a neck or forehead correction, neck lip sculpture or/and blepharoplasty. A bandage will be taken off the day after the surgery and the patient will be able to wash her/his hair. After that, none bandage will be placed there.
The incisions will be hidden in the scalp and behind the ears. The post-operation is simple, because the patient can quickly stroll without bandages. It depends on the complexity of the facelift and every patient's answer, being able to take from 7 to 14 days.
In this surgery the patient will recover a more juvenile aspect and he/she will looks like beautiful owing to face recondition.