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It is scientifically called blepharoplasty and it is the "fresh face surgery" because a person with surplus of skin and / or marked fatty bags looks like tired, worried and aged. Many times, the excess of skin upper eyelid causes visual fatigue which could be graphically observed; because the patient elevates her/ his forehead muscles to clear his/her look. Thus it is that she/he gets wrinkles.

Procedure: It is performed under local anesthesia and it is an outpatient surgery. The intervention lasts one hour approximately . Bandages are not needed and the stitches will be removed in 3 or 5 days. The incision on the upper eyelid will be in the eye fold and the scar will be not seen On the lower eyelid, the incision is 1 mm from under the lashes, an area where rapidly is underhanded. This surgery neither alters the natural shape of the eyes nor is related with the function of them. Finally, if the surgeon does not cut out neither more nor less skin, the surgery will be successful.