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breast reduction

Breast reduction

Women with large breasts may have an aesthetic alteration in her body harmony besides back or cervical pain, posture alterations -curved-, hurts on the shoulder due to weight supported by bras, lesions on the submammary furrow -erythema, dermatitis-.

The Reduction Mammaplasty -scientific name- is not performed until woman's breasts are fully developed.

This intervention can be performed under local anesthesia and a sedation, or general. In my experience, I have not used general anesthesia for years.

The patient will stay at the Clinic until the following day when the bandages will be replaced by new gauzes covered with a surgical bra.

The scars will be placed: * Around the areola * Vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast. This scar is the most visible -5 to 7cm length-. * Horizontally at the submammary furrow level.

There are many techniques for performing Breast Reduction. Sometimes it is performed by making only the incision around the areola or this one combined with the vertical's.

An experienced surgeon with an aesthetic approach will choose the most convenient technique. This surgery lasts 2 or 3 hours depending of each case. The resected glandular and adipose tissue grant a definitive shape, that is the adipose cell increases in relation to its volume but the number of cells does not .

The post operative is not complicated. The patient will have to take care of moving her arms and without doing efforts. However, she will be able to stroll quickly. It is important to say that in this surgery not only the breast size is decreased but is elevated too.

The stitches will be removed in 7-14 days and a surgical bra will be placed for 30 days. It will help her to readapt tissues, bring analgesia -owing to breasts immobilization effect- and scars will not be in traction by moving arms. Finally, the patient will be pleased by improving her aesthetic and • symptomatology, allowing her to use different clothes •