When a patient notices her sagged breasts because of age, changes in weight or nursing- is owing to the skin has stretched and basically there is less volume. In these cases, the solution is a breast implant -see Breast augmentation-.
If a patient has flaccid breasts with remaining skin and enough volume, the excess of skin will be removed and the mammary tissue will be reshaped. The result is a positioning projected breast.
Techniques are varied with different kind of incisions. In some cases, the scar is around the areola. In others, a vertical one is added from the bottom edge of the areola to the sub-mammary furrow level. At any rate, scars are imperceptible many times, like a little stria of the skin.
Mastopexy can last two or three hours. It can be performed under local anesthesia and a sedation. After some hours the patient will go home with a bandage -which will be changed the following day-. Then, it will be replaced by a support bra providing subjection and comfort. The patient will be able to stroll quickly and will take care by moving her arms.
Breast lift are sometimes used in conjunction with breast implants. According to the expectation of the patient and the ability of the surgeon it is decided which is the suitable method to perform.