breast augmentation
Breast has been a femininity symbol for centuries When a woman notices her breasts are smaller than her sister's, she usually feels inferior to her well-developed sister. In the last year, thanks to the improvement of breast implants designs and to the more safety surgery techniques, breast augmentation has been one of the most requested in aesthetics interventions.
Nowadays, the most used breast implants have a silicone elastomer shell with a textured surface refilled with cohesive gel (like jelly). It is solid but soft.
The responsibility of a surgeon is to offer to the patient - when it is possible- the wanted type and volume breast . By inserting breast implant not only grant volume to the breast but also shape, with a soft texture and turgid like a teenager Is breast These A features survive through time, but, a breast without an implant suffers v a faster ageing.
A great satisfaction is expressed by operated patients, who also raise their self-esteem and self-confidence, both dressed and undressed. This surgical intervention can be performed under local anesthesia with a sedation, and a few hours of hospitalization. The access of a cavity is around the lower edge of the areola ( where the scar will be unnoticed ), and the implant will be placed behind the mammary gland or underneath the pectoralis muscles, according to the choice of each doctor.
The surgery takes one or two hours. A gauze bandage is placed until the next day which will be replaced by a support bra providing a good subjection and comfort.
As in any breast surgery, the patient will be able quickly to stroll and the arms movement is the main care. Stitches will be removed in a week or ten days.
It is important to emphasize that after a short while care, a patient operated on breast augmentation has a life in the same conditions as a non-operated person; and it does not have major effects on breast illness neither does on lactation capacity. The patient will be able to do a breast self-examination (BSE), all kind of exams and the • gynaecologist will check her without difficulty