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When summer comes people notice fat deposits hidden under their winter clothes. Is GYM the best method to solve this situation? " I tried"-people say-. And diet? " If I have will power to go on diet I will lose weight, but in salient areas will reduce less...So, What can I do?" The last year story will be repeated and will not wear bathing suit. Liposuction is the alternative to remove the unwanted fat from specific areas of the body. The surgeon makes some 3 mm incisions in the skin and the excess of fat is removed by a vacuum suctioning through small cannulas. This intervention can be performed under local anesthesia or epidural anesthesia, according to each case.

After staying a few hours in my clinic, the patient will go home using a support garment and will take a rest for one or two days, being able to A return to work quickly. In the beginning there is an inflammatory process, but it will reduce the inflammation in a few days and the skin will retract.

The scars are minimal and they will disappear in time. It is important to emphasize that as soon as the patient notices the expected shape it is definitive because the fat cell does not reproduce.

A person may get fat or lose weight ten kilos but in a similar way. If she/he gets fat more than 10 kilos she/he will get stout. The secret of lipoaspiration or liposculpture - similar method with a syringe to produce vacuum- is that the fat is removed in a correct quantity, without depressions in the surface or excess of adipose tissue.

Many years ago, stout bodies were the indicators of beauty, such as some Rubens or Goya's paintings . Then, it was the thin figure like French models. Nowadays, it is a slim build with a good figure but, the most important is the harmony in its entirety.

When the personal aim is to be slim, both women and men are interested in this intervention. In my experience, I am consulted by men about lipoaspiration more than another surgeries It is owing to several factors, such as social and labour demands, simplicity of the intervention, or maybe because they can hide it easier than a facial surgery. Woman is more liberated than a man in relation to these interventions. Men prefer to be secretive about it.

The common aim for everyone is the same: Have a good figure.